Ready for a New Direction?
At Feldcomm, we create publications that give you a powerful platform to move your message forward — digital, print, whatever comes next.
Publications aren’t easy. The pace is relentless, and some days it seems the art of producing them has been lost. Even the best editors, designers and managers can use a little help. Whether you crave a redesign or strategic overhaul — or something more basic like filling in the blanks when staff goes missing — we can point the way or jump in and do it for you.
Here’s What We Know
Good design and smart editorial transcend technology. After more than two decades as publication design consultants, we’ve got that. We can help you:
- Create your new magazine from the ground up.
- Redesign your publication, for both print and digital.
- Tweak your editorial strategy — or start over.
- Fulfill your design fantasy and please your bosses and boards, too.
Do you need to ‘backward engineer’ your digital media brand or blog into a prize print publication? Maybe a book? We can do that for you.
Life Is Too Short for Paperwork or Hype
We like to keep things simple. Contact us and let’s go!
Mark Feldman
Mark Feldman is an award-winning art director and designer. Mark develops custom publishing programs, including magazines, websites and digital publications, for non-profits, B2B and consumer audiences. Contact
Joan Feldman
Joan Feldman specializes in editorial management, helping clients with content strategy and direction for custom digital and print publications. She is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism. Contact